"Ann's work is a gift of grace, laughter and warmth. When I met Ann, I met a soul fully expressed! Through her intuitive spirit and receptivity, she's helping my soul find its expression as well."
- A.C. Louisville, KY
"I received tremendous insight as to patterns of thinking that did not serve me well, and Ann guided me toward positive and successful resolutions. Those positive results have been invaluable, both on a personal level and with my career. Ann's incredible knowledge, radiant warmth and genuine compassion are such a blessing! I would not hesitate to recommend any of my clients, friends or family members to Ann."
- L.H., Louisville, KY
Ann Hemdahl-Owen
(Writer, Painter, Therapist)
I taught a range of subjects at Jefferson Community Technical College in Louisville, Kentucky. Teaching included Drawing, Painting, Design, Art Education, Art Appreciation, Art History. Because it was a small campus I had the joy of always choosing new texts and lesson plans. That was lucky because I tend to get bored easily and love a challenge. Before college level I started teaching in nursery schools, kindergarten, and first grade slowly working up to substituting in many grades while in California and Pennsylvania. There were other jobs in community based organizations.
I was active in Hospice as a volunteer when it first developed in Shelby County, Kentucky. When I retired from teaching, I worked as art therapist with children who were dying and those who had loved ones dying. After moving to Indiana, I returned to volunteering. Hospice has been part of my life for many years yet in the beginning I did much serious thinking about life and death before being with others facing hard decisions. It was in Hospice I began exploring alternative healing modalities including Hypnosis, HypnoBirthing, Reiki and many more.
Ann has a MA in Expressive Therapies from the University of Louisville, KY and received her MFA from the Instituto de Allende, Mexico. Credentialed Hypnotherapy, Reiki Master and teacher, Healing Touch, Theta Healing, EFT www.emofree.com, Energy Healing, guide in Drumming and Native American Journeying.
Full professor (retired) at Jefferson Community and Technical College plus part-time 1987 - 2005
Expressive Art Therapist with Hosperice of Louisville 1989 - 1998
President of Kentucky Association of Hypnotherapy for 3 years
Therapy is often short term and solution-based. Hypnotherapy and Expressive Therapy work with the unconscious, encouraging Higher Wisdom to bring solutions that are unique and intuitive and spiritual to each individual.